Students living on poverty: And considering the economic, political, psychological, sexual, especially intellectually, and a modest proposal to remedy
May very well say we are, who we also disagree with the student,
Contempt of the most universal creature France, in addition to the priest,
Policeman. He is wrong, of course, usually from the viewpoint of the attack,
Plausible reasons for the ruling ideology derived from. He might deserve contempt
Is a true revolution, the revolution criticism, but the situation for students
Taboo, is currently the official left. Opponents powerless licenses
Obvious to the repression of capitalism - that the students were also what's wrong
What is wrong with them. They convert it to the blind unconscious contempt
Enthusiasm. The radical intelligentsia (les modernes from time to l 'Express)
Prostrates itself before the so-called "rise of students" and decline
Left bureaucrats (from "communist" Stalinist state party
Students Union) bid for his moral and material support to noisily.
Why this sudden enthusiasm for them is not currently provided in the form of capitalism is all the overdeveloped state. We have to use this brochure for the accused. We have one of these one of the reasons for the exposure, and the principle has been reached in the very last alienated by the straight and narrow path alienated itself.
So far, the type of student life problem is essentially ignored. By research and analysis, all of the sociology, psychology and the economy: in other words, the exercise of academic content to specialize in one category to another or false. Which of them is what is most needed to accomplish - to modern society as a whole. Fourier condemned as an attempt by their error occurred long ago and applied scientific law is a basic assumption of science ( "Porter SHURURE régulièrement primordiales questions"). All except for our society is what it is about the nature of the two basic principles - and the sight of the product. Fetish mask the fact that the fundamental category, and forgetting the details of the entire charge.
The spectacle of modern capitalism and passivity to assign everyone a specific role in general. The students are no exception to the rule. He has an interim role, his final role as a rehearsal for an element as a social conservative in the rest of the market. Students in the form of initiation. To start the ceremony echoes in the more primitive society odd precision. Is going on outside of history, cut off from social reality. Students to lead a double life, and the current status of his poise, his future role. The two are totally different, and the journey from the other one is a mechanical event "in the future," he said. Meanwhile, he is a schizophrenic basks consciousness, and his withdrawal from the future to start a group to hide. Protection from history are not the mystic trance.
At least consciousness of the students are officially exist away from the truth of "economic life." However, a very simple reason: to look at the economic, student life is a hard one. Our society's affluence, "he is now poor. Income 80 percent of the nation's students come from well above the working class, the money is still less than 90% of the anachronistic Student workers meanest poverty, a throw back to earlier era of capitalism; We do not share the spectacular new poverties of society; to reach a new poverty is not a new proletariat. lately, teenage prejudice and moral authority to shuffle the Family, even become part of his market before puberty: He was 15, all the joy that is directly exploited. contrast to the protracted and His students thirst for childhood paradise as docile and irresponsible. puberty may cause a crisis of the family and occasional brush, but he is not bothered essence: He agrees that the baby He treated as provided to educational institutions. (if they ever screw him off to止めるつbad, it will only come back to life and he is kicking the ball.)
"The problem is not the students," he said. Student passivity only the most obvious symptom is a general situation, in the fields of social life, subdued by the same imperialism.
Our students have poor social thinkers on the issue of conscience, not just for the real problem, all of servitude and poverty. However, we have different reasons, all of his students to work with contempt. What is inexcusable is not so much his actual polite in the face of misery and misfortune of others. He is only one real alienation: himself. He is a full-time, the consumer products and happiness, hoping at least to arouse our sympathy for his interest in our claim is not valid. In the logic of modern capitalism, most students have become a small slivers executives (Neo is the same function as a skilled worker, capitalism is a 19th century economy). Really know how students are miserable and gold to make up for the future, the current shameful poverty. Faced with the knowledge, and he likes to smother love, to present himself for a fictional invention prestige. Ultimately, there is no magic and compensation味気presents: tomorrow, as yesterday, lighting these fools the way to dusty death. He does not unnaturally evacuation is unrealistic to exist.
The student is stoic slaves: more authority to piles of chain he, he is a free fantasy. He shares with his new family, the university is a kind of autonomy to believe that curiosity. True independence is, it seems, lies in the two direct subordination to the most powerful system of social control: family and the state. He gave his thanks and well-behaved child, obedient child as he was overeager to please. His all mystifications to celebrate the values and systems are all obsessed with anxiety and nursing. Once, the old illusions had to be imposed by the labor aristocracy; small intake executives and those who delighted in the guise of culture.
Compensation for the various forms of poverty. Total poverty ancient society magnificent production religious compensation. Poverty limits the students, as opposed to this phenomenon, and that his compensation投げかけof the most down-at-heel image of the ruling class. He bore our cultural alienation repair an old joke. As idealism, he was always out of date. Every one of them, eagerly His latest ridiculous 30 years ago.
WANSUAPONATAIMU respected universities; belief that the students will continue to be there he was lucky. But he arrived too late. Bourgeois culture of bygone excellence (which means our culture is encyclopédistes Hegel, rather than the Ecole normale supérieure Sorbonne). Vanished. With the goal of generating mechanical experts are now, "the education system." Modern economic system of mass production to demand that students receive an education that we have not renders. Therefore, the decrease in the university's students and the disabled automatic once he enters the portal. The university is a community for the propagation of ignorance; "high culture" and has taken to the rhythm of the production line; without exception, members of the university faculty are cretins, the men, all from the audience of schoolboys get the bird. However, nearly all of this matters: The important thing is listening respectfully to go. Time, and if you are oppressed, critical thinking is sincere enough, the students have come to drink wafer knowledge of the professor who is teaching the world's ultimate truth. By the time - the spirit of menopause. Naturally, as a matter of the future of the revolution's social behavior and condemn the lecture theatre teachers as mere noise - socially undesirable. The student is already a very bad joke.
The student is blind to obvious - he closed in the world is changing. "The university's crisis" - the details of the more general crisis of modern capitalism - the latest forage specialist for the deaf-mute dialogue. This "crisis" is the easiest to understand: hard, adjusting Field (too late) and the relationship between changes in total production. There was once a vision - if a single ideology - University is a liberal bourgeois. However, as the foundation of society disappeared, and his vision of banality. Free trade, the capitalist era, when "liberal" free and remain at the margin, the University itself is still considered as an independent force. Of course it is a pure product that is narrow and social needs - particularly the need to give privileged minority to return before the comprehensive enough cultural ruling class (and not go to college are so far straying from the limited class). However, the bitter nostalgic Don (who no longer dares to speak in the 19th century under the name of liberalism; So they reminiscing about "freedom" and "popular" is a medieval universities - the "democracy" liberal. ") is understandable: from the end, the bloodhound, more than middle-class luxury Sheepdog, a white collar world. watchstander Harry improving herd immunity given above Several factories and their bureau, according to the whims and the "planned economy". university is becoming a fairly smooth, honest broker and the scene of technocracy. in the process, the purists, academics - the right to be pitiful spectacle, purveying their "universal" cultural products bewildered audience of specialists.
More serious and more dangerous for the left side of the modernists, students and labor unions, they talk, "University of structural reform" and "re-insertion of college social and economic life", ie, The adaptation to the needs of modern capitalism. Suppliers, a one-hour class is the ruling party's overall culture of his old guard's prestige despite the need to be converted into a new labor force in the nobility. Dispute is far from the historical process of one of the last relatively subordinate social groups are voluntary, market demand, inefficiency and delay progress on the completion sue. They are the standard-bearers of the University of cybernetic future (that is already rearing ugly head several unintended direction). And they are the enemy: the fight against the market, which is really starting again, and that means the latest battle lackeys.
As a student, this dispute is completely out of more than has fought his head, his masters somewhere in the celestial realm. His life was beyond his control overall, I see him, all of the world's full potential and he is another planet. He criticized his economic acute poverty in a manner that paltry survival. However, the happy creature, but he's very normal parade him like a destitute original lifestyle: easy, he is a freewheeling will be affected. The freewheeling, and the best solution is feasible in most times, and without thinking it is possible to achieve a complete and final break with a university environment is very ludicrous . However, the bohemian students (and all students have to pretend to like him in the heart of the bohemian) adhere to the degraded version is false and his individual insurgency. So he said, "eccentric" he continued -3 0 years after Reich's good lesson - fun to most traditional forms of erotic activities, the level of overall relationship between social class reproduction. Where Speaking about sex, we have learned from the local elderly lady from a good trick. His latest rent-a-crowd for a good aggressive side, the real cause of his impotence.
Quaint poor students, but he is a potential advantage - it is only if you see him, please. He is a limit to freedom, the Statue of Liberty has not escaped to a small area, but overall, the sight control. His flexible working hours to allow experimentation and adventure for me. However, he was the brunt of his criticism and freedom scares death: He feels it is a safe and straight jacket auditorium space-time weekly "essay. Him this is very pleased to open He organized by the prison's "profits" and not be constrained, as most of the people are in different work and leisure, he and his agreement for - hypocritically declared while His diligence in gray and men despise. him all the contradictions that surround available darkly, and then m utters, "communication difficulties" from the womb, his warmth, religious, artistic or political clique.
He's driven by depression freely elected, he will submit himself to the police force has set up a subsidiary psychiatrist crackdown avant-garde. MENTARUHERUSUKURINIKKU, run by the university's student organization is mutual, look at the big victory, as this institution, labor unions and social progress for students. Aztecs greet people like Cortez's sharpshooters run, and then the thunder and wondered why he collapsed, students flock to their Psycho - Police Station "problem".
The real poverty and soon find his daily life is a fantasy compensation is the opium of cultural goods. Cultural scene, he is a habitual his assigned role of obedient disciple. Despite his productivity, is close to the access to the sanctuary of thinking is forbidden, and he was obliged to find a "modern culture" praise on the sidelines. Art is dead, the student is a necrophiliac. He peeks Cine body - in clubs and movie theaters, purchased the cultural supermarket fish from the fingers. Unreservedly consumption, he is in his element: He is the living proof that all the American market research platitudes: conspicuous consumption, unreasonable preference caused by the completion of the brand X (Camus, for example) the irrational prejudice and brand Y (Sartre, perhaps).
Impervious to true passion, he seeks titillation his anemia during the Battle of the gods, the stars of heaven emptiness: aithusser - Garaudy - Balto - Piccard - Lefebvre - Levi-Strauss - Khalidi - dech a rdin - .. Brassens. Their rival theologies between the theologies all designed to create a false mask the real problem: humanism - existentialism - science - structure - new-cy be rneticism criticism - dialectic nudist -- Meta - philosophism. ..
He was avant-garde if he thinks he has witnessed the latest incident. He detects a "modernization" of the market can produce as much speed and borrowed ideas outdated version of the Long (However, an important degree); for him, all the rehashing of the Cultural Revolution. His main concern is the status, and he is eager to snap up all important paperback edition and the "difficult" text as mass culture, filled bookstores. (If he is a mere trace of lucidity and self-esteem, and he was knocked off. However, no: Always conspicuous consumers pay!). Unfortunately, he can not read, he devours his gaze and enjoy them vicariously through his friends and the eyes. He is a director of other voyeur.
His favorite reading the press kitsch, it is the task of masterminding nothing of the consumption of culture chamber. Submissive as ever, and the student has to accept the ukases of them commercial - his favorite rod to measure. Typically, he was the magazine's readers and the like compulsive RUNUVERUOPUSERUVATOURU l 'Express (Sunday nearest English equivalent, the new upper-class society). It is generally felt that he Le Monde - the style rather difficult to find - newspapers, truly objective. And it is the guide to expect him to win the understanding of the modern world and politics begin!
Some other place than France, a student of political content to be passive. Also in this field, he immediately, the same alienation accepts the participation of spectacular. Burn-in time, all the tattered remnants left by the annihilated more than 40 years ago, "socialist" reformism and the Stalinist counter-revolution, as he once more astonishing ignorance convicted. Right, well aware that defeat in the labor movement, and that the workers themselves can be more confusedly. However, the students organized a demonstration to continue blithely to mobilize students and students only. This is a false sense of political virgin state, a fact which college to the ground naturally, a happy hunting manipulators decrease bureaucracy. For them, a children's play program to the student's political options. Deviationary trends and the occasional shouting "Independence!" But after a token period, a dissident faction of the resistance to the status quo they never actually reincorporated fundamentally opposed. "Youth communistes révolutionnaires," ideological example, the title went to falsify Mad (They are both young, communists, and the Revolution), and the brio to ignore it is much publicity associated with an iron hand only to the party ... to rally the Pope's battle cry lustily, "peace to Vietnam!"
The student opposition to boast of his "old-fashioned" régime de Gaulle. However, he justified his criticism was charming - without realizing it - a far worse crime of the past. His life is a radical Stalinist edulcorated prolongs different currents: the Togliatti, Garaudy is the krushchev the Mao Zedong, and is synonymous with his formidable youth naiveté;, and his attitude is the more realistic régime's much archaic g aullists post-modern society to do all understand that a well-administered.
However, the students are, sadly, not strange anachronism by deterrence. The general idea is to have a duty and a feeling that all is the view of the world have the ability to detect a coherent meaning to the need to finance his asexual Activism and promiscuity. As a result, his last game decrepit Falls missionaries in the church's efforts. Atavistic passion and his putrid carcass of waterweed worship God, stinking remains of prehistoric religion cherishes all believe that the time he and his bid to enrich. . Their sexual rival with these local elderly lady in the form of students have the highest rate of social support and admitted to the category of old-fashioned these cults. Any other place in the Priests have either expired or were devoured beaten by the University of clergy continue to shamelessly thousands of students shithouses spiritual bestiality.
We have all fairness it must be added that the presence of a student can tolerate or intellectual level, the people govern without difficulty controls designed to make sure from the other's ability to tame it. They so for the simple reason that they are, to understand the system, because they know it will be contempt of the enemy himself. They are the system in order to back out what you can do - especially Grant. Using contradictory, at least for now, to maintain a certain small sector - "research" - still dominated by academics, rather than te chnocracy liberal rationality of their cool-headed firebrand pathogen carry the highest level: They are the organization's open contempt for the ability of a country other than lucidity enable them to the system's lackeys, intellectual and otherwise. Students become such that we can not fail in the future revolutionary movement theory. , At the moment, they no secret of the fact that is not so easy to take from the system is used for the rollover.
The student, if he's all the rebels, the first to rebel against his type, but felt the need for this initial movement, he will be less than voluntary workers in their intuitive to people who work with him in perfect condition to be identified. At the same time, since the students are the product of modern society as Godard and the Coca-Cola Company, he fought extreme alienation only by the struggle through the entire society. It is clear to college and never become a battlefield situation, the student is, insofar as such he defines himself, pseudo-value manufacturing need to clear any obstacles to become a reality the dispossession of his consciousness. The best place to criticize the behavior of the students living in the rest of the young people, the rebels have already started. Their rebellion is a sign of a fresh battle with the modern world.
After years of slumber, the counterrevolution is permanent, there are signs of a new era of struggle, the revolutionary youth carriers as a new infection. However, the society has its own scene painting and the paint itself is the enemy, impose their own ideology as a category of the world's history. The last response is very afraid. All that is happening, for the peace of mind that part of the natural order. Real historical change, which indicate that it is used in this society, novelties are reduced to the status of a mere consumption for processing. Youthquake oppose coercive "given" life is the first sign of the total Subversion. That period, a prelude to the insurgency - their revolt is no longer living in our society. In the face of danger, mechanical ideology run, the reversal normal everyday reality. Historical processes in several categories in the pseudo-scientific nature of society: young people's ideas.
-Strasbourg unef